The Modern Society
Non-Governmental Organisation

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“ARMAT” Non-Governmental Organization (hereinafter referred to as Organization) is a public association of citizens of the Republic of Armenia, citizens of foreign states, persons without citizenship; it has a status of non-commercial organization.
The principles of the Organization's activities are lawfulness, non-discrimination, goodwill, membership voluntarism, common interests of members, self-control and accountability.
The Organization operates in the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia and in foreign countries in accordance with the laws of those countries.
The full name of the Organization in Armenian is “ԱՐՄԱՏ” հասարակական կազմակերպություն:
The full name of the Organization in Russian is Общественная Организация АРМАТ.
The full name of the Organization in English is Non-governmental Organization of ARMAT.
Registered address of the Organization: Republic of Armenia, [city], [address], tel. [phone number], e-mail [email address].
The object and objectives of the organization's activity are
Assistance and support for the representatives of contemporary art, digital technology, startups, new sports and subcultures;
Organization of exhibitions, trainings, curricula, master classes and mass events.
In order to achieve its goals and objectives, the Organization shall cooperate with state administration and local self-governing bodies, international and foreign similar organizations and other organizations registered in the Republic of Armenia.
The Organization shall have the right to carry out entrepreneurial activity in accordance with the objectives set forth in its Charter, to dispose of its property and the results of its activities for this purpose as well as to establish a commercial organization or to become its participant in the manner prescribed by law.
Any natural person at the age of or above 18 who accepts the goals set forth in the Charter of the Organization and wishes to participate in its activities may become a member of the Organization.
A person wishing to become a member of the Organization shall apply in writing to the Executive Body of the Organization, i.e. to the President.
The issue of affiliation with the Organization shall be resolved by the President on the basis of this Charter.
A member of the Organization is free to leave the Organization at any time. Removal from the membership of the Organization is made by the decision of the President.
Membership fee is not set for the members of the Organization.
The member of the Organization has a right to
1) elect and be elected to the management bodies of the Organization;
2) attend the Meeting personally,
3) use the services of the Organization free of charge in any case,
4) get acquainted with the records of the bodies of the Organization, receive the copies of the decisions made by them;
5) appeal decisions of the bodies of the Organization in the order of precedence or through legal proceedings. The appeal of decisions of the executive body by a member of the Organization is made by submitting a relevant application to the Meeting. The application is considered by the Meeting. The application may also be considered remotely;
6) request information from the Organization, receive copies of documents on amendments to the Charter of the Organization, minutes of the Organization's bodies, decisions, monetary assets received from management of property as well as receive the copy of independent auditor's report who carried out the audit of its financial statements as for the last 3 years;
7) exercise other rights prescribed by law.
The member of the Organization is obligated to
1) fulfill the statutory requirements of the Organization and decisions of Management bodies;
2) faithfully fulfill the duties assigned to him/her by the decision of the Management bodies.
In case of breach of the statutory requirements of the Organization or failure to fulfill the obligations imposed on him/her by the Management bodies of the Organization, the Chairman of the Organization may apply disciplinary penalties – reprimands or removal from the membership of the Organization.
The Management bodies of the Organization are the Meeting and the Executive Body, i.e. the President.
The right to make a final decision on any matter relating to the activities of the Organization belongs to the supreme body of the Organization, to the Meeting.
The regular meeting of the Organization shall be convened once in five years. The regular meeting of the Organization shall be convened by the President, by way of a joint meeting of members or remotely, i.e. by means of telecommunications, and he shall draw up an appropriate protocol. The President shall decide on the date, time and place of the meeting as well as the preliminary draft agenda of the meeting and he shall notify the members and structures of the Organization thereof no later than 20 days before by registered mail or in electronic form or by means of mass media or other means prescribed by law.
The extraordinary meeting of the Organization shall be convened by the President or at the initiative of at least one third of the members of the Organization by the President.
The extraordinary meeting of the Organization shall be convened no later than within 5 days upon the aforementioned initiative. The members of the Meeting are informed of the time and place of the extraordinary meeting at least 5 days before the date of the extraordinary meeting.
The reserved matters of the Meeting are:
1) approval of amendments, supplements to the Charter of the Organization or restated Charter;
2) adoption of a decision on establishment of another legal entity or participation of the Organization in another organization;
3) adoption of decisions on establishment of separate subdivisions or institutions of the Organization and approval of their charters;
4) approval of the Organization's structure;
5) election and change of the President of the Organization;
6) determination of the order and terms of remuneration of the President of the Organization;
7) selection of the auditor who shall carry out an audit of the Organization, if pursuant to the law the Organization is subject to mandatory audit,
8) аpproval of the Organization's strategy if the Organization plans to have a strategy;
9) approval of annual reports of the Organization's activities and property use confirmed by the executive body during the years preceding the convening of the Meeting once in five years;
10) termination of decisions of the bodies of the Organization contradicting the requirements of the legal acts and the Charter;
11) adoption of the decision on reorganization of the Organization;
12) adoption of the decision on liquidation of the Organization (except for the cases of liquidation by court decision);
13) exercise of other powers prescribed by law.
The Meeting shall be competent if it is convened in accordance with the law and the Charter of the Organization and more than half of the total number of members of the Organization participates in the Meeting. The decisions of the Meeting shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes of the members present at the Meeting of the Organization. The minutes of the Meeting shall be signed by the Chairperson and Secretary of the Meeting. The minutes of the Meeting shall be kept for five years.
The President shall be elected by the Meeting for a five-year term. The executive body of the Organization is the Chairman of the Organization. The President shall manage the current activities of the Organization and hold the sessions of the Meeting.
The powers of the President include all issues related to management of current activities of the Organization as well as those directed to provide the activities of the management bodies of the Organization.
The President in accordance with the Charter of the Organization and the decisions of the Meeting shall
1) ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Meeting;
2) administer and manages the property of any type and size of the Organization, including financial assets, enter into transactions on behalf of the Organization,
3) represent the Organization in the Republic of Armenia and foreign countries,
4) issue powers of attorney;
5) open settlement and other accounts in the banks (including foreign currency);
6) issue orders, directives, give mandatory instructions for execution and supervise their implementation within the scope of his jurisdiction;
7) approve the staff list and annual expenditure estimate of the Organization;
8) approve internal documents regulating the activities of the Organization, including internal disciplinary and other rules of its separate subdivisions and institutions;
9) approve the reports of the Organization and its bodies;
10) approve annual reports on the activities and property use of the Organization for the years preceding the convening of the Meetings which shall be submitted to the Meeting for approval every five years;
11) accept members and remove from the membership of the Organization;
12) exercise other powers prescribed by law.
In exercising his powers the President shall act on behalf of the Organization without the power of attorney.
The President shall bear responsibility prescribed by law for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of laws, other legal acts, Charter of the Organization, decisions of the Meeting or concluded agreements.
The Organization has separate property under the right of ownership and is liable for its obligations by that property.
The Organization may own immovable and movable property as buildings, constructions, vehicles, equipment, monetary assets, securities and other property not prohibited by law.
A source of property formation of the Organization may be
1) investments of the members of the Organization;
2) earnings received from entrepreneurial activity of the Organization;
3) earnings received from commercial organizations established by the Organization or from other commercial organizations with its participation;
4) incoming receivables from the state budget;
5) donations, including grants;
6) collections,
7) other assets not prohibited by law.
The assets of the Organization may be used for the goals and objectives set forth in the Charter. The property of the Organization including profits from entrepreneurial activities may not be distributed among its members.
The Organization may be dissolved by a decision of the Meeting or by a court decision.
The Meeting shall form a Liquidation Commission and define the procedure and terms of liquidation in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law. At the end of liquidation the Liquidation Commission shall use the property remaining after the mandatory payments in the manner prescribed by the decision of the Meeting to implement the statutory goals and objectives of the Organization and if it is not possible then shall transfer it to the state budget.
The Organization may be reorganized by the decision of the Meeting or by a court decision in cases prescribed by law in the manner prescribed by law.
This Charter is drawn up on _____ 201__ and consists of _ pages.
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